What's new
- Entries may have autogenerated titles and/or optional slugs. #4667 by @jasonvarga
- Query builder can perform closure based nested wheres. #4555 by @ryanmitchell
- Added a
variable to views. #4888 by @jacksleight
What's improved
- Refreshed fieldtype selector design. #4929 by @jackmcdade
What's fixed
- Fieldtypes no longer get assigned to the
category by default. 447c27343 by @jackmcdade - Links in instruction text are no longer red. #4905 by @jackmcdade
- Fix issue where the wrong entry's values could appear on the front-end. #4918 by @jasonvarga
- Bumped TailwindCSS to 1.9.6. #4929 by @jackmcdade