packagist statamic/cms v3.2.0

latest releases: dev-starter-kit-module-folders, v5.45.0, 5.x-dev...
3 years ago

Read First 👀

Be sure to read the Upgrade Guide first as you may need to make some minor manual changes. You can also read the Statamic 3.2 Launch Announcement blog post to learn about many of the new features in depth!

What's new

  • A brand new Starter Kit experience that's objectively better in every possible way (just you wait and see). #3755
  • Navs can now have their own blueprints. 🎉 #3941
  • Addon/extension make commands now do all the boilerplate work for you, including wiring up webpack because nobody wants to do that. #3965
  • An entire Pringles can full of UI improvements that definitely doesn't have a fake snake coiled up inside. #3967
  • Added Alpine.js to the Control Panel. #3903
  • You can now select multiple rows in CP tables by clicking one, holding down shift, and clicking another. #3907
  • References get automatically updated throughout content when you move or rename assets and terms. #3850 #3912
  • Nav and collection tree items are now are collapsible. #3899
  • Added a pagination size selector to the asset browser. #3957

What's changing

  • cmd+s now does a quick save (and cmd+return does the full thing). #3910

What's fixed

  • Fixed git error when using symlinks. #4062
  • Prevent an error when users move or rename assets. #4068
  • The site:clear command will no longer remove the default filesystem disk configs.

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