packagist statamic/cms v3.0.16

latest releases: 5.x-dev, dev-fieldtype-search, dev-fix/url-params-in-external-script-urls...
4 years ago

What's new

What's improved

  • The locale method on the Entry class can accept a Site object.
  • The toggle fieldtype can understand 0 and 1 in your YAML files, rather than just true and false.
  • French translation has been updated. #2591

What's fixed

  • Entries are placed appropriately into a collection's structure when localizing them. #2471
  • The date method on the Entry class checks for Carbon\Carbon, rather than Illuminate\Support\Carbon.
  • The subrequest is passed along to the cascade in Live Preview, which fixes things like segment_x variables using the CP URL.

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