packagist statamic/cms v3.0.0-beta.27

latest releases: dev-starter-kits-select-module-default-option, dev-fix/cp-nav-custom-section-reordering, v5.39.0...
4 years ago

What's new

What's improved

  • Fieldsets now use the blueprint syntax so you can reference fields and import entire fieldsets into other fieldsets, just like you can with blueprints. [insert xzibit meme] (#1707)
  • Tailwind updated to 1.x (thanks Aryeh Raber!) (#1668)
  • Addon resources/views directories are now automatically registered.
  • Statamic middleware has been reorganized to prevent potential conflicts with your app's middleware. Addons can push to middleware groups. (#1546, #1704)

What's fixed

  • Bug fixes

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