packagist sonata-project/admin-bundle 4.9.0

latest releases: 5.x-dev, 4.x-dev, dev-5.x-dev-kit...
2 years ago



  • [#7749] Improve make:sonata:admin command, now it's passing modelClass and Controller in services tag. (@eerison)
  • [#7725] The default list mode is now the first one of the getListModes method. (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7744] Some typehint from SourceIteratorInterface to \Iterator to allow using this library without deprecation (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7729] Use dynamic action variable to template (@core23)
  • [#7714] Change if targetClass is instance of other className (@willemverspyck)


  • [#7748] sonata_admin.options.default_label_catalogue in favor of sonata_admin.options.default_translation_domain (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7748] label_catalogue attribute on sonata_admin tag in favor of translation_domain (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7748] catalogue option on fieldDescription in favor of choice_translation_domain for TYPE_CHOICE or value_translation_domain for TYPE_TRANS. (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7748] label_catalogue on group configuration in favor of translation_domain (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7748] btn_catalogue option on form type in favor of btn_translation_domain (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7725] Defining a list mode with a "class" setting, use the "icon" setting instead. (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7743] Passing '' for the admin key in an item of the sonata_admin.dashboard.groups config (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7743] Passing a route or a label when an admin is passed in an item of the sonata_admin.dashboard.groups config (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7743] The item_adds key when configuring the sonata_admin.dashboard.groups config (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7729] tree.html.twig template (@core23)


  • [#7748] translation_domain attribute on sonata_admin is used to set the admin translation domain. (Unlike the label_catalogue attribute) (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#7757] Duplicate display of the help option for ModelListType (@VincentLanglet)

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