packagist sonata-project/admin-bundle 3.79.0

latest releases: 5.x-dev, 4.x-dev, dev-5.x-dev-kit...
3 years ago



  • [#6565] collection_by_reference is used instead of by_reference in AdminType in order to know which call should be used between ObjectManipulator::addInstance()andObjectManipulator::setObject()` (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#6556] Changed Sonata\AdminBundle\Templating\TemplateRegistryAwareInterface to handle instances of TemplateRegistryInterface. (@wbloszyk)
  • [#6548] Prevent load entities when pass empty choices for ModelType, use null for native loading (@kirya-dev)



  • [#6571] If no label is provided to the filter, the default label is used following the label translator strategy (@VincentLanglet)
  • [#6574] Showing toggle filter button when the filter is hidden in the admin list (@phansys)
  • [#6534] Allow usage object properties to get/set instance in ObjectManipulator (@peter-gribanov)

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