packagist sentry/sentry-symfony 4.2.0

latest releases: dev-dependabot/github_actions/shivammathur/setup-php-2.31.0, dev-dependabot/github_actions/actions/checkout-4.1.7, dev-dependabot/github_actions/codecov/codecov-action-4.5.0...
2 years ago
  • Log the bus name, receiver name and message class name as event tags when using Symfony Messenger (#492)
  • Make the transport factory configurable in the bundle's config (#504)
  • Add the sentry_trace_meta() Twig function to print the sentry-trace HTML meta tag (#510)
  • Make the list of commands for which distributed tracing is active configurable (#515)
  • Introduce TracingDriverConnection::getWrappedConnection() (#536)
  • Add the logger config option to ease setting a PSR-3 logger to debug the SDK (#538)
  • Bump requirement for DBAL tracing to ^2.13|^3; simplify the DBAL tracing feature (#527)

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