packagist sentry/sentry-symfony 4.0.0

latest releases: dev-master, dev-dependabot/github_actions/actions/checkout-4.1.3, dev-dependabot/github_actions/shivammathur/setup-php-2.30.3...
3 years ago

This is a new major release, that uses and requires a new major version of sentry/sentry, specifically with a ^3.0 constraint.
To upgrade your app, read through the document of this bundle, and for further details the document of sentry/sentry.

  • [BC BREAK] This version uses the envelope endpoint. If you are
    using an on-premise installation it requires Sentry version >= v20.6.0 to work. If you are using nothing will change and no action is needed.
  • Enable back all error listeners from base SDK integration (#322)
  • Add options.traces_sampler and options.traces_sample_rate configuration options (#385)
  • [BC BREAK] Remove the options.project_root configuration option. Instead of setting it, use a combination of options.in_app_include and options.in_app_exclude (#385)
  • [BC BREAK] Remove the options.excluded_exceptions configuration option. Instead of setting it, configure the IgnoreErrorsIntegration integration (#385)
  • [BC BREAK] Refactorize the ConsoleCommandListener, ErrorListener, RequestListener and SubRequestListener event listeners (#387)
  • Registered the CLI commands as lazy services (#373)
  • [BC BREAK] Refactorize the configuration tree and the definitions of some container services (#401)
  • Support the XML format for the bundle configuration (#401)
  • PHP 8 support (#399, thanks to @Yozhef)
  • Retrieve the request from the RequestStack when using the RequestIntegration integration (#361)
  • Reorganize the folder structure and change CS standard (#405)
  • [BC BREAK] Remove the monolog configuration option. Instead, register the service manually (#406)
  • [BC BREAK] Remove the listener_priorities configuration option. Instead, use a compiler pass to change the priority of the listeners (#407)
  • Prefer usage of the existing Symfony\Bridge\PsrHttpMessage\HttpMessageFactoryInterface service for the RequestFetcher class (#409)
  • [BC BREAK] Change the priorities of the RequestListener and SubRequestListener listeners (#414)

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