packagist sentry/sentry-laravel 3.4.0

latest releases: dev-master, dev-release/4.10.0, 4.10.0...
18 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry Laravel SDK v3.4.0.


  • Add helper to report lazy loading violations (#678)

    We've added a new helper that makes reporting lazy loading violation to Sentry in production very easy:

    // See:
    // In production we just report the lazy loading violation instead of crashing the application since it's a performance issue not a security issue
    if (app()->isProduction()) {

    We let you know which model and relation caused the lazy loading violation and we also include the origin of the violation so you can find the culprit quickly.

  • Reintroduce Laravel Lumen support (#685)

    We dropped support for Laravel Lumen (10.x) in v3.0.0, but we are happy to announce that it is back!

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