packagist sentry/sentry-laravel 3.0.0

latest releases: dev-cache-spans, dev-master, dev-release/4.6.1...
20 months ago

New features

  • We are now creating more spans to give you better insights into the performance of your application
    • Add a http.client span. This span indicates the time that is spent when using the Laravel HTTP client (#585)
    • Add a http.route span. This span indicates the time that is spent inside a controller method or route closure (#593)
    • Add a db.transaction span. This span indicates the time that is spent inside a database transaction (#594)
  • Add support for Dynamic Sampling, allowing developers to set a server-side sampling rate without the need to re-deploy their applications
    • Add support for Dynamic Sampling (#572)

Breaking changes

  • Laravel Lumen is no longer supported
    • Drop support for Laravel Lumen (#579)
  • Laravel versions 5.0 - 5.8 are no longer supported
    • Drop support for Laravel 5.x (#581)
  • Remove Sentry\Integration::extractNameForRoute(), it's alternative Sentry\Integration::extractNameAndSourceForRoute() is marked as @internal (#580)
  • Remove internal Sentry\Integration::currentTracingSpan(), use SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->getSpan() if you were using this internal method (#592)

Other changes

  • Set the tracing transaction name on the Illuminate\Routing\Events\RouteMatched instead of at the end of the request (#580)
  • Remove extracting route name or controller for transaction names (#583). This unifies the transaction names to a more concise format.
  • Simplify Sentry meta tag retrieval, by adding Sentry\Laravel\Integration::sentryMeta() (#586)
  • Fix tracing with nested queue jobs (mostly when running jobs in the sync driver) (#592)

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