packagist saloonphp/saloon v1.3.0
Version v1.3 - OAuth2 Support 🔥

latest releases: dev-dependabot/composer/phpstan/phpstan-tw-1.11.4or-tw-2.0.0, v3.x-dev, v3.10.1...
2 years ago

Read the documentation here:

Version 1.3 introduces OAuth2 helpers/boilerplate code for the Authorization Code Flow! 🥳 It will allow you to write all the OAuth2 client configuration in a connector that you can use to:

  • Generate an authorization URL
  • Create access tokens
  • Create a refresh token



use Sammyjo20\Saloon\Helpers\OAuth2\OAuthConfig;
use Sammyjo20\Saloon\Http\SaloonConnector;
use Sammyjo20\Saloon\Traits\OAuth2\AuthorizationCodeGrant;

class SpotifyAuthConnector extends SaloonConnector
    use AuthorizationCodeGrant;

    public function defineBaseUrl(): string
        return '';

    protected function defaultOauthConfig(): OAuthConfig
        return OAuthConfig::make()

Your application:

$authConnector = new SpotifyAuthConnector;

// 1. Redirect the user to the authorization URL...

$authorizationUrl = $authConnector->getAuthorizationUrl($scopes, $state);

// 2. Handle the callback from the API provider and create an access token...

$authenticator = $authConnector->getAccessTokens($code, $state);

// 3. Authenticate your requests!

$request = new GetTracksRequest;
$request->send(); // 🚀

// 4. Refresh your access tokens...

$newAuthenticator = $authConnector->refreshAccessTokens($authenticator);

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