packagist robmorgan/phinx 0.12.0

latest releases: 0.x-dev, dev-dependabot/github_actions/codecov/codecov-action-4, dev-dereuromark-patch-1...
4 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Minimum of PHP 7.2 required now.
  • cakephp/database>=4.0 now required. This could impact migrations/seeds that use the query APIs.
  • In environment configuration default_database is now default_environment.

New Features

  • Upgraded to PHPUnit 8.0
  • Added setDataDomain(), getDataDomain(), and getColumnForType() to adapters.
  • Improved SQLite column add functionality.
  • SQLite now creates columns as NOT NULL by default, regardless if a default value for the column is specified or not. This brings it in line with how the other adapters work.

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