packagist phpoffice/phpspreadsheet 1.8.0

latest releases: dev-master, dev-gh-readonly-queue/master/pr-3946-35030fa66df6d297fc01f0eaf2619121e533f816, dev-gh-readonly-queue/master/pr-3973-a6b04059067dd85de7440f3aed9c589efb09fef5...
4 years ago

Security Fix (CVE-2019-12331)

  • Detect double-encoded xml in the Security scanner, and reject as suspicious.

  • This change also broadens the scope of the libxml_disable_entity_loader setting when reading XML-based formats, so that it is enabled while the xml is being parsed and not simply while it is loaded.
    On some versions of PHP, this can cause problems because it is not thread-safe, and can affect other PHP scripts running on the same server. This flag is set to true when instantiating a loader, and back to its original setting when the Reader is no longer in scope, or manually unset.

  • Provide a check to identify whether libxml_disable_entity_loader is thread-safe or not.


  • Provide an option to disable the libxml_disable_entity_loader call through settings. This is not recommended as it reduces the security of the XML-based readers, and should only be used if you understand the consequences and have no other choice.


  • Added support for the SWITCH function - #963 and #983
  • Add accounting number format style #974


  • Whitelist tsv extension when opening CSV files #429
  • Fix a SUMIF warning with some versions of PHP when having different length of arrays provided as input #873
  • Fix incorrectly handled backslash-escaped space characters in number format

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