packagist php-http/message 1.11.0

latest releases: 1.x-dev, 1.16.1, dev-cs...
3 years ago
  • Migrated from zendframework/zend-diactoros to laminas/laminas-diactoros.
    Users are encouraged to update their dependencies by simply replacing the Zend package with the Laminas package.
    Due to the laminas-zendframework-brige, BC changes
    are not expected and legacy code does not need to be refactored (though it is
    recommended and simple).

  • The diactoros factories of php-http/message will return objects from the Laminas\Diactoros\ namespace, if
    the respective classes are available via autoloading, but continue to return objects from Zend\Diactoros\
    namespace otherwise.

  • Allow to specify the hashing algorithm for WSSE authentication.

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