packagist phan/phan 4.0.2
Release 4.0.2 supporting PHP 7.0-8.0 syntax

latest releases: v5.x-dev, dev-fix-4782, dev-MapReal-php81-82...
3 years ago

New Features:

  • Improve suggestions for PhanUndeclaredThis inside of static methods/closures (#4336)

Language Server/Daemon mode:

  • Properly generate code completions for :: and -> at the end of a line on files using Windows line endings(\r\n) instead of Unix newlines(\n) on any OS (#4345)
    Previously, those were not completed.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix false positive PhanParamSignatureMismatch for variadic overriding a function using func_get_args() (#4340)
  • Don't emit PhanTypeNoPropertiesForeach for the Countable interface on its own. (#4342)
  • Fix false positive type mismatch warning for casts from callable-object/callable-array/callable-string
    to function(paramtypes):returntype (#4343)

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