packagist phan/phan 2.3.0
Release 2.3.0 supporting PHP 7.0-7.4 syntax

latest releases: v5.x-dev, dev-fix-4782, dev-MapReal-php81-82...
4 years ago

New features(CLI, Configs):

  • Limit --debug-emitted-issues to the files that weren't excluded from analysis.

New features(Analysis):

  • Add support for list<T> and non-empty-list<T> in phpdoc and in inferred values.
    These represent arrays with consecutive integer keys starting at 0 without any gaps (e.g. function (string ...$args) {})

  • Add support for associative-array<T> and non-empty-associative-array<T> in phpdoc and in inferred values. (#3357)

    These are the opposite of list<T> and non-empty-associative-list<T>. list cannot cast to associative-array and vice-versa.
    These represent arrays that are unlikely to end up with consecutive integer keys starting at 0 without any gaps.
    associative-array is inferred after analyzing code such as the following:

    • Expressions such as [$uid1 => $value, $uid2 => $value2] with unknown keys
    • Unsetting an array key of a variable.
    • Adding an unknown array key to an empty array.
    • Certain built-in functions, such as array_filter or array_unique,
      which don't preserve all keys and don't renumber array keys.

    Note that array<string, T> is always treated like an associative array.

    However, T[] (i.e. array<mixed, T>) is not treated like associative-array<mixed, T> (i.e. associative-array<T>).
    Phan will warn about using the latter (associative-array) where a list is expected, but not the former (array).

  • Allow omitting keys from array shapes for sequential array elements
    (e.g. array{stdClass, array} is equivalent to array{0:stdClass, 1:array}).

  • Add array key of array shapes in the same field order that php would for assignments such as $x = [10]; $x[1] = 11;. (#3359)

  • Infer that arrays are non-empty after analyzing code such as $x[expr] = expr or $x[] = expr.

  • Infer that arrays are possibly empty after analyzing code such as unset($x[expr]);.

  • Fix false positives in redundant condition detection when the source union type contains the mixed type.

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