packagist phan/phan 2.2.9
Release 2.2.9 supporting PHP 7.0-7.4 syntax

latest releases: v5.x-dev, dev-fix-4782, dev-MapReal-php81-82...
4 years ago

New features(Analysis):

  • Emit the stricter issue type PhanTypeMismatchReturnReal instead of PhanTypeMismatchReturn
    when Phan infers that the real type of the returned expression is likely to cause a TypeError (accounting for strict_types in the file). (#403)
    See internal/ for details on when it is thrown.
  • Emit the stricter issue type PhanTypeMismatchArgumentReal instead of PhanTypeMismatchArgument
    when Phan infers that the real type of the argument is likely to cause a TypeError at runtime (#403)
  • Support php 7.4 typed property groups in the polyfill/fallback parser.
  • Warn about passing properties with incompatible types to reference parameters (#3060)
    New issue types: PhanTypeMismatchArgumentPropertyReference, PhanTypeMismatchArgumentPropertyReferenceReal
  • Detect redundant conditions such as is_array($this->array_prop) on typed properties.
    Their values will either be a value of the correct type, or unset. (Reading from unset properties will throw an Error at runtime)
  • Emit PhanCompatibleTypedProperty if the target php version is less than 7.4 but typed properties are used.
  • Emit PhanTypeMismatchPropertyReal instead of PhanTypeMismatchProperty if the properties have real types that are incompatible with the inferred type of the assignment.
  • Stop warning about (float) $int being redundant - there are small differences in how ints and floats are treated by serialize, var_export, is_int, etc.
  • Treat all assignments to $this->prop in a scope the same way (for real, dynamic, and magic properties)
    Previously, Phan would not track the effects of some assignments to dynamic properties.
  • Make unset($this->prop) make Phan infer that the property is unset in the current scope (and treat it like null) (only affects $this). (#3025)
    Emit PhanPossiblyUnsetPropertyOfThis if the property is read from without setting it.
  • Don't emit PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNull when array access is used with the null coalescing operator. (#3032)
  • Don't emit PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset when array access is used with the null coalescing operator. (#2123)
  • Make Phan check for PhanUndeclaredTypeProperty suppressions on the property's doc comment, not the class. (#3047)
  • Make inferred real/phpdoc types for results of division more accurate.
  • Improve analysis of for loops and while loops.
    Account for the possibility of the loop iteration never occurring. (unless the condition is unconditionally true)
  • Fix some edge cases that can cause PhanTypeMismatchProperty (#3067, #1867)
    If there was a phpdoc or real type, check against that instead when emitting issues.
  • Analyze assignments to fields of properties of $this (e.g. $this->prop[] = 'value';)
    for correctness and for the new type combination. (#3059)
  • Infer that the void should be treated similarly to null
    (in addition to existing checks, it's redundant to compare them to null).
    Don't warn about return null; in functions/methods with phpdoc-only @return void.


  • Add StrictComparisonPlugin, which warns about the following issue types:

    1. Using in_array or array_search without specifying $strict. (PhanPluginComparisonNotStrictInCall)
    2. Using comparison or weak equality operators when both sides are possibly objects. (PhanPluginComparisonObjectEqualityNotStrict, PhanPluginComparisonObjectOrdering)
  • Don't warn in EmptyStatementListPlugin if a TODO/FIXME/"Deliberately empty" comment is seen around the empty statement list. (#3036)
    (This may miss some TODOs due to php-ast not providing the end line numbers)
    The setting 'plugin_config' => ['empty_statement_list_ignore_todos' => true] can be used to make it unconditionally warn about empty statement lists.

  • Improve checks for UseReturnValuePlugin for functions where warning depend on their arg count (call_user_func, trait/interface/class_exists, preg_match, etc)

Bug fixes:

  • When a typed property has an incompatible default, don't infer the union type from the default. (#3024)
  • Don't emit PhanTypeMismatchProperties for assignments to dynamic properties. (#3042)
  • Fix false positive RedundantConditions analyzing properties of $this in the local scope. (#3038)
  • Properly infer that real type is always int (or a subtype) after the is_int($var) condition.
  • Emit TypeMismatchUnpack* for nullable key types of iterables if the union type didn't contain any int/mixed types. (fix logic error)

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