packagist phan/phan 2.2.5
Release 2.2.5 supporting PHP 7.0-7.3 syntax

latest releases: v5.x-dev, dev-fix-4782, dev-MapReal-php81-82...
4 years ago

New features(CLI, Configs):

  • Add -u as an alias of --unused-variable-detection, and -t as an alias of --redundant-condition-detection
  • Added a zsh completion script (plugins/zsh/_phan has installation instructions).
  • Added a bash completion script (plugins/bash/phan has installation instructions).

New features(Analysis):

  • Fix false positive PhanSuspiciousValueComparisonInLoop when both sides change in a loop. (#2919)
  • Detect potential infinite loops such as while (true) { does_not_exit_loop(); }. (Requires --redundant-condition-detection)
    New issue types: PhanInfiniteRecursion.
  • Track that the real type of an array variable is an array after adding fields to it (#2932)
    (affects redundant condition detection and unused variable detection)
  • Warn about adding fields to an unused array variable, if Phan infers the real variable type is an array. (#2933)
  • Check for PhanInfiniteLoop when the condition expression is omitted (e.g. for (;;) {})
  • Avoid false positives in real condition checks from weak equality checks such as if ($x == null) { if ($x !== null) {}} (#2924)
  • Warn about X ? Y : Y and if (cond1) {...} elseif (cond1) {...} in DuplicateExpressionPlugin (#2955)
  • Fix failure to infer type when there is an assignment (or ++$x, or $x OP= expr) in a condition (#2964)
    (e.g. return ($obj = maybeObj()) instanceof stdClass ? $obj : new stdClass();)
  • Warn about no-ops in for loops (e.g. for ($x; $x < 10, $x < 20; $x + 1) {}) (#2926)
  • Treat compact('var1', ['var2']) as a usage of $var1 and $var2 in --unused-variable-detection (#1812)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix crash in StringUtil seen in php 7.4-dev due to notice in hexdec() (affects polyfill/fallback parser).


  • Add InlineHTMLPlugin to warn about inline HTML anywhere in an analyzed file's contents.
    In the plugin_config config array, inline_html_whitelist_regex and inline_html_blacklist_regex can be used to limit the subset of analyzed files to check for inline HTML.
  • For UnusedSuppressionPlugin: 'plugin_config' => ['unused_suppression_whitelisted_only' => true] will make this plugin report unused suppressions only for issues in whitelist_issue_types. (#2961)
  • For UseReturnValuePlugin: warn about unused results of function calls in loops (#2926)
  • Provide the $node causing the call as a 5th parameter to closures returned by AnalyzeFunctionCallCapability->getAnalyzeFunctionCallClosuresStatic
    (this can be used to get the variable/expression for an instance method call, etc.)


  • Made --polyfill-parse-all-element-doc-comments a no-op, it was only needed for compatibility with running Phan with php 7.0.
  • Minor updates to CLI help for Phan.
  • Restart without problematic extensions unless the corresponding PHAN_ALLOW_$extension flag is set. (#2900)
    These include uopz and grpc (when Phan would use pcntl_fork) - Phan already restarts without xdebug.
  • Fix Debug::nodeToString() - Make it use a polyfill for ast\get_kind_name if the php-ast version is missing or outdated.

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