packagist phan/phan 2.2.11
Release 2.2.11 supporting PHP 7.0-7.4 syntax

latest releases: v5.x-dev, dev-fix-4782, dev-MapReal-php81-82...
4 years ago

New features(Analysis):

  • Add a @phan-real-return annotation for functions/methods/closure (#3099),
    to make Phan act as if that method has the specified union type
    when analyzing callers for redundant conditions, etc. (if there was no real type).
    This can be used for multiple types, e.g. @phan-real-return string|false.
  • Improve union type inferred for clone() - It must be an object if clone() doesn't throw.
    Emit PhanTypePossiblyInvalidCloneNotObject for cloning possible non-objects when strict param checking is enabled.
  • Infer that new $expr() has a real type of object in all cases, not just common ones.
  • Improve real type inferred for +(expr)/-(expr)/~(expr) and warn about redundant conditions.
    This does not attempt to account for custom behavior for objects provided by PECL extensions.
  • Show argument names and types in issue messages for functions/methods for PhanParamTooFew and PhanParamTooMany.
  • Show more accurate columns for PhanSyntaxError for unexpected tokens in more cases.
  • Ignore scalar and null type casting config settings when checking for redundant or impossible conditions. (#3105)
  • Infer that empty($x) implies that the value of $x is null, an empty scalar, or the empty array.
  • Avoid false positives with if (empty($x['first']['second'])) - Do not infer any types for the offset 'first' if there weren't any already. (#3112)
  • Avoid some bad inferences when using the value of expressions of the form A || B.
  • Improve redundant condition detection for empty/falsey/truthy checks, self, and internal functions building or processing arrays.
  • Include strings that have the input as a prefix of variable names, classes, methods, properties, etc. in issue suggestions for undeclared elements. (#2342)
  • Emit PhanTypeNonVarReturnByRef when an invalid expression is returned by a function declared to return a reference.
  • Support manually annotating that functions/methods/closures are pure with /** @phan-pure */.
    This is automatically inherited by overriding methods.
    Also see UseReturnValuePlugin and 'plugin_config' => ['infer_pure_methods' => true].


  • In UseReturnValuePlugin, support inferring whether closures, functions, and methods are pure
    when 'plugin_config' => ['infer_pure_methods' => true] is enabled.
    (they're expected to not have side effects and should have their results used)

    This is a best-effort heuristic.
    This is done only for the functions and methods that are not excluded from analysis,
    and it isn't done for methods that override or are overridden by other methods.

    Note that functions such as fopen() are not pure due to side effects.
    UseReturnValuePlugin also warns about those because their results should be used.

    Automatic inference of function purity is done recursively.

  • Add EmptyMethodAndFunctionPlugin to warn about functions/methods/closures with empty statement lists. (#3110)
    This does not warn about functions or methods that are deprecated, overrides, or overridden.

  • Fix false positive in InvalidVariableIssetPlugin for expressions such as isset(self::$prop['field']) (#3089)


  • Add example vim syntax highlighting snippet for Phan's custom phpdoc annotations to plugins/vim/syntax/phan.vim
    This makes it easier to tell if annotations were correctly typed.

Bug fixes:

  • Don't scan over folders that would be excluded by 'exclude_file_regex' while parsing. (#3088)
    That adds additional time and may cause unnecessary permissions errors.
  • Properly parse literal float union types starting with 0.

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