packagist phan/phan 1.3.3
Release 1.3.3 supporting PHP 7.0-7.3 syntax

latest releases: v5.x-dev, dev-fix-4782, dev-MapReal-php81-82...
4 years ago

The Phan 1.x releases support analysis of php 7.0-7.3, and can be executed with php 7.0+.

New features(CLI, Configs):

  • Make the progress bar guaranteed to display 100% at the end of the analysis phase (#2694)
    Print a newline to stderr once Phan is done updating the progress bar.
  • Add maximum_recursion_depth - This setting specifies the maximum recursion depth that
    can be reached during re-analysis.
    Default is 2.
  • Add --constant-variable-detection - This checks for variables that can be replaced with literals or constants. (#2704)
    This is almost entirely false positives in most coding styles, but may catch some dead code.
  • Add --language-server-disable-go-to-definition, --language-server-disable-hover, and --language-server-disable-completion
    (These are already disabled by default, but will be enabled by default in Phan 2.0)

New features(Analysis):

  • Emit PhanDeprecatedClassConstant for code using a constant marked with @deprecated.
  • When recursively inferring the return type of BaseClass::method() from its return statements,
    make that also affect the inherited copies of that method (SubClass::method()). (#2718)
    This change is limited to methods with no return type in the phpdoc or real signature.
  • Improve unused variable detection: Detect more unused variables for expressions such as $x++ and $x -= 2 (#2715)
  • Fix false positive PhanUnusedVariable after assignment by reference (#2730)
  • Warn about references, static variables, and uses of global variables that are probably unnecessary (never used/assigned to afterwards) (#2733)
    New issue types: PhanUnusedVariableReference, PhanUnusedVariableGlobal, PhanUnusedVariableGlobal
  • Warn about invalid AST nodes for defaults of properties and static variables. (#2732)
  • Warn about union types on properties that might have an incomplete suffix. (e.g. /** @var array<int, */) (#2708)


  • Add more forms of checks such as $x !== null ? $x : null to PhanPluginDuplicateConditionalNullCoalescing (#2691)

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