packagist overtrue/phplint 9.1.0

latest releases: dev-main, 9.1.2, 9.1.1...
6 months ago

9.1.0 - 2023-12-17


  • PHPStan dev tool to enforce code quality of this project (see Contributor guide)
  • Introduces a DebugFormatterHelper for asynchronous process
  • Introduces a ProcessHelper for asynchronous process
  • Introduces a new extension (ProgressIndicator) to let users know that the phplint command isn't stalled. Uses --progress=indicator.


  • Replaces Symfony components constraint to new LTS (6.4), and drop support to old one (5.4)
  • ProgressPrinter and ProgressBar extensions must now implement the Overtrue\PHPLint\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface specification
  • Reorganize dev tools under their own composer namespace (check-style begins style:check, and fix-style begins style:fix)
  • #197 : Faster process linter
  • rename BOX config file to box.json.dist
  • Dockerfile bump default PHP version from 8.2 to 8.3 (to produce better perf)


  • drop support of PHPUnit 9
  • drop support of PHP 8.0
  • setApplicationVersion and setConfigResolver methods were removed from Overtrue\PHPLint\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface
    as there are no more required

Full Changelog: 9.0.6...9.1.0

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