packagist orchestra/testbench v3.3.0

latest releases: 10.x-dev, v9.1.2, 9.x-dev...
7 years ago
  • Update support for Laravel Framework v5.3.
  • Add Orchestra\Testbench\ApplicationTestCase and Orchestra\Testbench\Exceptions\ApplicationHandler for full Laravel integration testing support. (@rydurham)
  • Add new Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase::setUpTraits() method.
  • Add support to Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns\InteractsWithAuthentication by default.
  • Update named route look-up table when $app is bootstrapped.
  • Add Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase::loadMigrationsFrom() to migrate during setup and add an event to rollback the migration during teardown. (@loren138)

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