packagist nystudio107/craft-seomatic 4.0.37

latest releases: dev-develop-v5, dev-develop, v4.x-dev...
6 months ago


  • Added a EVENT_INCLUDE_SITEMAP_ENTRY event to allow plugins or modules to determine whether entries should be added to the sitemap or not (#1393)
  • Allow the config/seomatic.php siteUrlOverride to be set to either a string, or an array of site URLs, indexed by the site handle for overriding complex headless multi-site Craft setups (#1376)


  • Switch over to listening for element changes via Element::EVENT_AFTER_PROPAGATE events instead of Elements::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_ELEMENT and have it check the Element::$resaving attribute instead of Model::$scenario = SCENARIO_ESSENTIALS to determine whether sitemap queue jobs should be created (#1388)
  • If the Site URL Override feature is used, pass along the parameters, too, when building the URL (#950)
  • Removed the automatic Google Sitemap ping endpoint, since Google has deprecated it and will be removing it entirely soon (#1392)

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