packagist nystudio107/craft-seomatic 3.4.11
Version 3.4.11

latest releases: dev-develop-v5, dev-develop, v4.x-dev...
2 years ago


  • Added support for security.txt in SEOmatic → Global settings
  • Added an option to SEOmatic → Plugin Setting → Sitemaps to have items that have a different Canonical URL than the item URL excluded from the sitemap (#983)
  • Moved all the sitemap Plugin Settings to their own tab in SEOmatic → Plugin Setting → Sitemaps


  • Ensure that paginated self-referencing hreflang urls match the paginated canonical URL (#984)


  • Fixed an issue where a tracking script that had no templateString or templatePath could not be saved, showing "Couldn't save tracking settings due to a Twig error." (#981)
  • Fixed the default values for Entry meta bundles that were errantly changed to be empty
  • Fixed an issue with the SEO Settings field throwing an exception is no $element context was passed in


  • Ensure that only files with the extensions listed in allowedFileExtensions General Config setting can be used with the SEO File Link controller
  • Sanitize the canonical URL after the absolute URL has been returned, to mitigate poisoned X-Forwarded-Host headers

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