packagist nwidart/laravel-modules 2.4.0

latest releases: v11.1.8, dev-master, v11.1.7...
7 years ago


  • New module:make-resource command to generate resource classes
  • New module:make-test command to generate test classes


  • Improved error output of the module:seed command
  • Marking methods that served as proxies in Module and Repository classes as deprecated for next major
  • Fixed module:make and module:make-provider to generate the correct master service provider
  • Tests: tests are now using spatie/phpunit-snapshot-assertions to make sure the generated files have the correct content
  • Adding a sync option to the module:make-job command to make a synchronous job class
  • Changed module:make-event command to allow duck typed events (not type hinted event class)
  • Changed module:make-listener to allow a --queued option to make the event queueable
  • Changed module:make-listener command to not use the full class typehint when class was previous imported

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