packagist nesbot/carbon 2.38.0

latest releases: dev-master, 3.6.0, dev-feature/issue-3015-unserialize...
3 years ago

Complete commits list: 2.37.0...2.38.0

⚠️ Since 2.38.0 CarbonInterval ->copy() method preserve the ->invert flag of the interval.


  • #2144 Fixed total() result and total* properties when the interval contains negative values
  • #2144 Fixed cascade() result and when the interval contains negative values
  • #2144 Added daysExcludedWeeks setter
  • #2144 Added support for negative values in unit constructors such as CarbonInterval::years(), CarbonInterval::months() etc.
  • #2144 Allowed getFactor() to get multiple-steps factors

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