packagist meilisearch/meilisearch-php v1.2.0
v1.2.0 🐘

latest releases: dev-staging, dev-main, v1.12.0...
21 months ago

This version introduces features released on Meilisearch v1.2.0 🎉
Check out the changelog of Meilisearch v1.2.0 for more information on the changes.
⚠️ If you want to adopt new features of this release, update the Meilisearch server to the according version.

🚀 Enhancements

  • The method deleteDocuments() now supports a different behavior. This method could take an array containing a filter key with the filter value, which will filter and delete the documents. #509 @brunoocasali

    ⚠️ You must configure the attributes you want to filter using the Index\filterableAttributes().
    ⚠️ Remember to update your Meilisearch server to v1.2.0 or newer before adopting it.

    Still, even being supported, the ability to receive only a list of ids is deprecated, and it will be removed in meilisearch-php v2

  • Add the ability to setFilter in the DocumentsQuery. When a query with a filter is sent to getDocuments(DocumentsQuery $query) it will filter the documents similar to the search method. See the docs on how to use filters. #510 @brunoocasali

    ⚠️ You must configure the attributes you want to filter using the Index\filterableAttributes().
    ⚠️ Remember to update your Meilisearch server to v1.2.0 or newer before adopting it.

Thanks again to @brunoocasali, @tacman, @norkunas! 🎉

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