packagist meilisearch/meilisearch-php v1.12.0
v1.12.0 🐘

latest releases: dev-staging, dev-main
2 months ago

This version introduces features released on Meilisearch v1.12.0 🎉

Check out the Meilisearch v1.12.0 changelog for more information.

🚀 Enhancements

Introducing new methods to get one or several batches, respectively getBatch() and getBatches(). A batch is a set of tasks processed together.

The TaskQuery class now has a setReverse() method to retrieve tasks in reverse chronological order.

client->getTasks((new TasksQuery())->setReverse(true));

Index settings now allow disabling prefix search and facet search. They're both enabled by default. The SDK now comes with dedicated methods to configure these settings.

// disable prefix search
// reset prefix search settings

// disable facet search
// reset facet search settings

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: pull the latest in the CI instead of forcing the v1.11 (#691) @mdubus
  • Make hitsCount always the number of hits (and not totalHits value) (#701) @johnnynotsolucky

⚙️ Maintenance/misc

Thanks again to @aivchen, @johnnynotsolucky, @norkunas, @mdubus and @Strift! 🎉

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