packagist knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle v2.0.0
Minor Change to OAuth2ClientInterface

latest releases: dev-main, dev-master, v2.18.0...
4 years ago

Hi friends!

This marks a new major release, but nothing significant has changed. The reason for the new major version is that the signature to OAuth2ClientInterface::getAccessToken() changed which is a backwards-compatibility break for any custom classes that implement this interface. Unless you've created a custom class that implements that interface, you will have no problems upgrading.

  • [BC BREAK]: Changed signature of OAuth2ClientInterface::getAccessToken()
    to include a array $options = [] argument - #230.

  • Added OAuth2Client::isStateless() protected method to ease overriding
    the redirect() method for custom situations - #234.

  • Dropped support for Symfony versions older than 4.4.


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