packagist grumpydictator/firefly-iii 4.7.5

latest releases: dev-develop, dev-main, v6.1.15...
5 years ago


The biggest change this time is a whole new feature: recurring transactions! Firefly III will automatically create monthly, weekly or yearly transactions for you. How cool is that?

Also, the API is greatly extended with many new endpoints.

Other changes include:

  • The 2FA secret is visible so you can type it into 2FA apps.
  • Bunq and Spectre imports will now ask to apply rules.
  • Sandstorm users can now make API keys.


New features are:

  • New API end points for attachments, available budgets, budgets, budget limits, categories, configuration, currency exchange rates, journal links, link types, piggy banks, preferences, recurring transactions, rules, rule groups and tags.
  • Added support for YunoHost.


And of course many bug fixes:

  • Various typo's in the English translations. issue 1493
  • Bug where Spectre was never called issue 1492
  • Clear cache after journal is created through API issue 1483
  • Make sure docker directories exist issue 1500
  • Broken link to bill edit issue 1505
  • Several bugs in the editing of split transactions issue 1509
  • Import routine ignored formatting of several date fields issue 1510
  • Piggy bank events now show the correct currency issue 1446
  • Inactive accounts are no longer suggested issue 1463
  • Some income / expense charts are less confusing issue 1518
  • Validation bug in multi-currency create view issue 1521
  • Bug where imported transfers would be stored incorrectly.

And many small changes not mentioned here.

Never heard of Firefly III? Check out the documentation and be sure to read the introduction and the grand theory to get an idea of what Firefly III is.

Check out the full changelog.

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