packagist grumpydictator/firefly-iii 4.7.14

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5 years ago

This release of Firefly III introduces a new command that will decrypt your database. If this command is not executed at the proper moment, you could break your database. Make sure you have a backup before you begin and read the upgrade instructions. Generally speaking, Docker and Composer based installations should be fine. But when in doubt, tread carefully.

4.7.14 was released to fix an issue with the Softaculous upgrade and to fix an issue with the Composer installation commands.


  • A routine has been added that warns about transactions with a 0.00 amount.
  • PHP maximum execution time is now 600 seconds in the Docker image.
  • Moved several files outside of the root of Firefly III


  • Fix issue where missing preference breaks the database upgrade.
  • Issue 2100 Mass edit transactions results in a reset of the date.

Never heard of Firefly III? Check out the documentation and be sure to read the introduction and the grand theory to get an idea of what Firefly III is.

Check out the full changelog.

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