packagist froala/wysiwyg-editor v2.7.6
Release 2.7.6

latest releases: v4.2.1, dev-master, v4.1.4...
6 years ago
  • Add support for Font Awesome 5 and iconsTemplate option.
  • Add helpSets option.
  • Add paragraphDefaultSelection option.
  • Quick Insert plugin is available in ENTER_BR mode.
  • Support for JAWS.
  • Changing the toolbarButtons option will automatically change the options for smaller screens if no other specific option is used.
  • Enhancements
    • Do not add image classes when imageDefaultAlign and imageDefaultDisplay options are null.
    • Space collapsing at the end of links.
    • Possibility to define shortcuts for commands without buttons.
    • Allow using BLOCKQUOTE inside paragraph tags.
    • toolbarContainer option is now compatible with fullscreen mode.
    • BR tag cleaning in Firefox.
    • Collapsing spaces when pasting from Microsoft Word.
    • Pasting nested lists from Microsoft Word.
    • Improves typing in IE when ENTER_BR option is used.
    • iOS enter and backspace improvements.
    • iOS pasting was not working all the times.
    • Convert tabs on paste when the tabSpaces option is enabled.
    • Pasting in the editor from Outlook.
    • Show error message when dropping a file with unapproved extensions.
    • Edit the most inner text of links instead of replacing the text at the top level.
    • Accessibility support for IE.
    • Improvements for the HTML untouched mode.
    • Modal and popup backgrounds when using dark themes.
    • Typing in the editor when there is a non-editable text element.
    • Improvements for RU, UK, NL, SV and PL translations.
    • Copying images with caption.
    • Support for text inputs inside the editable area.
    • Scrolling page to follow the cursor when it goes out of the screenview.
    • Improvements for nested contenteditable="false" / contenteditable="true".
    • Do not remove links when clearing formatting.
  • Bug Fixing
    • Fullscreen on iOS.
    • Sync code view size when toggling fullscreen mode.
    • Pasting empty tags was removing them when copying between editor instances.
    • The STYLE tag was always removed.
    • The blur event was triggered on image upload sometimes.
    • Fixes the size of images with caption when the imageResizeWithPercent option is used.
    • Pasting image in an empty editor wouldn't add the action to the undo stack.
    • plugin was not working inside iframes.
    • Applying text format next to an HR tag was not working correctly.
    • Keep format when backspacing to the previous line.
    • Emoticons were removed when using the useClasses option.
    • Dragging an image in a link and then out of it was moving the link as well.
    • Selecting different videos would bring the editor in an unresponsive mode.
    • Dropdowns were misaligned in RTL mode sometimes.
    • Toggling fullscreen was leaving an empty tag in the editor.
    • Dropping image with caption inside the container of the image would throw an error.
    • Deleting tabs were removing one extra character.
    • Aligning the image caption would result in bad formatted HTML.
    • When an image is inserted from the same domain, ignore the imageCORSProxy option.
    • heightMin was set on the body output when the fullPage option was enabled.
    • The video.removed event was not triggered when using backspace/delete to remove it.
    • Dropping files in Firefox was not showing the cursor anymore sometimes.
    • Popups were showing for elements inside contenteditable="false".
    • Removing an image was not possible when the keepFormatOnDelete was enabled.
    • contentChanged was triggered sometimes after destroying the editor instance.
    • Table resize was not working correctly when there was some scroll on the page.

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