packagist friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle 3.1.0

latest releases: dev-master, dev-xwb-patch-1, v6.3.1...
9 years ago
  • BC BREAK: Doctrine\Listener#scheduleForDeletion access changed to private.
  • BC BREAK: ObjectPersisterInterface gains the method handlesObject that
    returns a boolean value if it will handle a given object or not.
  • BC BREAK: Removed Doctrine\Listener#getSubscribedEvents. The container
    configuration now configures tags with the methods to call to avoid loading
    this class on every request where doctrine is active. #729
  • BC BREAK: Added methods for retrieving aggregations when paginating results.
    The PaginationAdapterInterface has a new method, getAggregations. #726
  • Added ability to configure date_detection, numeric_detection and
    dynamic_date_formats for types. #753
  • New event POST_TRANSFORM which allows developers to add custom properties to
    Elastica Documents for indexing.
  • When available, the fos:elastica:populate command will now use the
    ProgressBar helper instead of outputting strings. You can use verbosity
    controls on the command to output additional information like memory
    usage, runtime and estimated time.
  • Added new option property_path to a type property definition to allow
    customisation of the property path used to retrieve data from objects.
    Setting property_path to false will configure the Transformer to ignore
    that property while transforming. Combined with the above POST_TRANSFORM event
    developers can now create calculated dynamic properties on Elastica documents
    for indexing. #794
  • Fixed a case where ProgressCommand would always ignore errors regardless of
    --ignore-errors being passed or not.
  • Added a SliceFetcher abstraction for Doctrine providers that get more
    information about the previous slice allowing for optimising queries during
    population. #725
    POST_TYPE_POPULATE allow for monitoring when an index is about to be or has
    just been populated. #744
    POST_TYPE_RESET are run before and after operations that will reset an
    index. #744
  • Added indexable callback support for the __invoke method of a service. #823

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