packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v4.17.0

latest release: 4.x-dev
11 hours ago

This release contains a potentially (small) BC break. When using pretty URLs, the generated URLs used underscores and they now use dashes and snake case. For example, before an URL could be /admin/blog_post/batchDelete and now it's /admin/blog-post/batch-delete

The route names remain the same (e.g. admin_blog_post_batch_delete) and you probably always generate URLs using the route name, so this BC break won't impact you.

New features

[f9a223a] Use kernel.build_dir instead of kernel.cache_dir for cached contents (@alexndlm)
[aee6650] Use kekab-case instead of snake_case for Pretty URL route paths (@simondaigre)

Bug fixes

[0e4544f] Fix some CSS styles (@kteterycz)
[2982a8c] Fix some internal icons name (@JorickPepin)

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