packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v3.2.3

latest releases: dev-dependabot/npm_and_yarn/trix-2.1.1, 4.x-dev, v4.10.1...
3 years ago

New features

[794186d] Display a gray separator line with menu sections (@seb-jean)
[dd7f6ca] Allow to use arrays in routing controller configuration (@edefimov)
[e63f66a] Tweaked a template to easy the integration with VueJS (@mneuhaus)

Bug fixes

[4c4ca86] Inject delete form action on detail pages (@notFloran)
[78f5603] Display UNKNOWN country flags properly when using Alpha3 format (Nicolas Bustos, @jnbustosr)
[2eb9d74] Add missing isPropagationStopped to BeforeEntityDeletedEvent (@notFloran)
[e868c25] Add symfony/deprecation-contracts to dependencies (@Warxcell)
[ca1f598] Fix bug absolute upload dir on Windows (@matthieumota)
[092bdfb] Fixe the upload file logic for files stores outside of the upload directory (@fantidev)

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