packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v3.0.0-beta3

latest releases: 4.x-dev, v4.20.8, v4.20.7...
4 years ago

New features

[726a8be] Improved the help message for a common exception (@javiereguiluz)
[80702d8] Fixes and improvements in the CRUD URL builder (@javiereguiluz)
[61e74c2] Improved the docs about built-in actions (@javiereguiluz)
[7feb58c][70e1a48] Added more design tweaks related to the index page (@javiereguiluz)
[8a22fd5] Added more blocks to the content page (@javiereguiluz)

Bug fixes

[b421bbb] Use ManagerRegistry interface from Doctrine (@hason)
[dc05efe] Fixed paginator when results is not an iterator (@javiereguiluz)
[bdf49ed] Show new lines in the code editor contents in the Detail page (@javiereguiluz)
[e5bce08] Fixed a bug related to the number of rows of textareas (@javiereguiluz)
[fbe10d1][bb1e420][aa669b0] Fixed some doc issues (@jenyak, @bocharsky-bw, @seb-jean)

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