packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v3.0.0-alpha5

latest releases: 4.x-dev, v4.23.3, 5.x-dev...
4 years ago

New features

[d2e0ff9] Changed the way the Doctrine entity is defined in the CRUD controller. Now we use a method instead of a property (@javiereguiluz)
[01ac510] Allow to display a short ID for entities instead of the full ID (useful when using UUIDs) (@javiereguiluz)

Bug fixes

[cd6a813] Updated requirements for dependencies and PHP (@javiereguiluz)
[7dcb682] Fixed JavaScript errors in New/Edit forms (@jmsche)
[5019fc0] Updated French translations (@jmsche)
[bd6f28f] Fixed some spacing in docs (@jmsche)
[f2cfca9] Don't define a name for the default dashboard route (@Pierstoval, @javiereguiluz)

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