packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v2.3.10

latest releases: 4.x-dev, v4.10.1, v4.10.0...
3 years ago

This is just a regular maintenance release for the legacy 2.x branch. Ignore it if you are using EasyAdmin 3.x.

Bug fixes

[048e2be] Don't use autocomplete callback in the migration command (@javiereguiluz)
[3761612] Fixed plural intervals for cs, ru and uk translations (Ludek Benedik)
[f69a382] Updated comment in custom action (@JeremieSamson)
[6efc64a] Fixed Pagerfanta deprecation notice (@mheki)
[6638fc1] [Doc] Fixed broken link to VichUploaderBundle docs on github (@alepdev)

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