packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v2.1.3

latest releases: dev-dependabot/npm_and_yarn/trix-2.1.1, 4.x-dev, v4.10.1...
5 years ago

New features

[4332e42] Replaced %entity_name% with %entity_label% inside x.page_title (@ktrzos)

Bug fixes

[967fbf0] Restored some Twig template blocks related to the header menu (@YosraHamza)
[1f1ede1] Replaced the deprecated spaceless tag by the new apply tag (Laurent Quétier)
[ad58601] Fixed EventDispatcher::dispatch() argument order deprecation in Symfony 4.3 (@yceruto)
[fc6ce5d] Fixed ExceptionListener @final deprecation (@yceruto)
[d5b9458] Fixed tests (@yceruto)
[110a7ec] Downgraded Select2 to 4.0.5 to fix a regression (@ktrzos)
[4f2d01c] Use PSR-4 Twig namespace everywhere (@yceruto)

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