packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v1.17.1

latest releases: 4.x-dev, v4.10.0, v4.9.5...
6 years ago

New features

[ba7bcb8] Added support for the new "json" DBAL type (@javiereguiluz)
[f375537] Type-guess all entity properties at compile time (@iluuu1994)
[0830802] Allow to override the title of the list view (@javiereguiluz)
[3b008ef] Process EasyAdmin config only for actions related to EasyAdmin (@javiereguiluz)

Bug fixes

[7691d59] Set label and translation_domain to form instead of manually render them (@grachevko)
[6d13f11] Cast to string the PK for associations to support objects (@dragosprotung)
[329b0fb] Allowed to customize the title of the Search view (@javiereguiluz)
[13e4dbe] Added Croatian translation (@mariotrupkovic)
[33e331e] [Doc] Fixed some issues in the DQL examples of the docs (@innerspirit)
[e5723ae] [Doc] Added a missing import statement in a tutorial (@Tidj)
[b1e5a30] [Doc] Fixed markdown link in Configuration Reference (@marcverney)
[cf0a7a4] [Doc] Fixed an issue with % escaping in YAML files (@javiereguiluz)
[19b7c4d] [Doc] Added some docs about Customizing the Form Fields (@javiereguiluz)

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