packagist easycorp/easyadmin-bundle v1.16.10

latest releases: 4.x-dev, v4.10.1, v4.10.0...
6 years ago

Bug fixes

[9ca97ec] Fixed some search conditions related to integers (@javiereguiluz)
[3e34b0b] Improved the detection of primary key fields when selecting the template for them (@javiereguiluz)
[5cf55a7] Added a branch alias for the master branch (@xabbuh)
[7c1fdf5] Don't use the deprecated addClassesToCompile() method (@javiereguiluz)


[7c68cfe] Updated the CKEditor + CKFinder example (@javiereguiluz)
[033b867][315bb88] Moved the documentation from Markdown to ReStructuredText to integrate it on (@javiereguiluz)
[7cf9e04][88e2de3] Updated the installation instructions for Symfony Flex (@javiereguiluz)
[9f00060] Always load the specific EasyAdmin controller (@javiereguiluz)
[7e9cd05] Updated the config reference (@javiereguiluz)
[3c53162][3859dcf] Fixed minor typos (@Pierstoval, @welcoMattic)

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