packagist drupal/console 1.0.0-rc6

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7 years ago

cda7f34 Tag release RC-6. (#2826)
8d0bb19 [console] Execute DrupalConsoleCore if Drupal site not found. (#2823)
e7a8ec7 [console] Ad support for --root. (#2820)
24e84dd Fix to autoload if console is installed globally or within project (#2786)
961d9c3 [generate:module] Fix test module machine_name. (#2818)
1788496 Issue2784 (#2807)
e6d1111 [console] Remove unused code. (#2817)
7f7e036 Fix an error with failing a command when a user id is left empty (#2804) (#2805)
5f9aa6a [site:statistics] command fails when comment module is uninstalled. Fix #2744 (#2799)
86cb44f Fix incorrect validation call (#2808)
d0a06b3 fix failing command generate:module
881c0e7 Issue #2766: add a container:parameters command. (#2768)
f52f1b8 [console] Clear screen on console execution. (#2815)
265e3f8 [generate:form:config] Remove quotes on default values. (#2814)
69fb95e [#2760] default values for fields in generate:plugin:block (#2761)
f440499 [console] Remove trait lof errors. (#2813)
ac93d71 [taxonomy:term:delete] Minimal command fixes. (#2811)
82fca74 fix #2756: maintain maintenance mode if previously enabled (#2757)
a131ac1 #2542 Add taxonomy delete command. (#2543)
0dc8f71 Added functionality from $node entity to make generated entities revisionable (#2536)
832fdf8 [console] Fix symfony/con-crawler version as drupal core compatible. (#2806)
e375163 Fix wrong variable name (#2780)
a13279f [console] Fix readme format. (#2796)
7293c1b Update drupal console instructions (#2795)
f0ad023 Enable pass configutation to migration plugins (#2791)
402e6fe [2775] Change get method for migrate:setup command (#2779)

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