packagist drupal/console 0.7.13

latest releases: dev-master, 1.9.10, 1.9.8...
8 years ago
  • [IMPROVEMENT] New Commands
Command Description
generate:theme Generate a theme
password:hash Generate a hash from a plaintext password.
password:reset Reset password for a specific user.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] site:status command it will display active/staging config path, hash & console ver.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] cache:rebuild command cache option at was converted to an argument usage example: cache:rebuild [cache] instead of cache:rebuild [--cache[="..."]]
  • [FIX] chain command several fixes to sample.yml file, must run init --override command to get latest version of the sample.yml file with the fixes.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] migration:execute command enable exclude option.
  • [FIX] generate:authentication:provider command generator twig file fixes.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Support to Drupal Beta 11 release added.

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