This release feature in particular a dramatical speedup for all those that have numerous tables/fields in the database that they try to migrate.
I want to particularly thanks @stof and @Ocramius for their continuous support and code review without which you wouldn't have that 97% speedup.
To be more precise, the improvement concern the schema object that is passed to each migrations. That object needs to be rebuild for every migrations. The more fields/table you have in your database the longer it takes. As of now doctrine migrations won't build the schema object until you use it. So if you don't use it you gain 100% of the build time of that object.
- 421: Fix issue with some method when the migrations were not loaded
- 405: Correcting composer constraints: allowing PHP 7, dropping 5.4 support
- 406: putting the composer.json back in the archive
- 233: Separate Configuration Objects from Configuration File Loading
- 407: Replacing the Schema by a proxy
- 422: Refactor the getConnection into a chainloader
- Dropped the support for php 5.4
- Again make the phar more than 3 times smaller