- Allow to use --write-sql to save the migration execution log to file #979 (goetas)
- Display more informative messages for migration aliases #978 (goetas)
- Move status info fetching into MigrationStatusInfosHelper #976 (goetas)
- Allow to define lazy services in the dependency factory #975 (goetas)
- Auto update metadata table when migrating #973 (goetas)
- Extract MigrationsRepository interface #972 (goetas)
- Moved migration sorting from MigrationRepository to MigrationPlanCalculator #969 (goetas)
- Add command to display current version #965 (goetas)
- Sort executed migrations #974 (goetas)
- Migrate to Doctrine's fork of jdorn/sql-formatter #971 (greg0ire)
- Use SymfonyStyle to output text in console #968 (emodric)
- Fix typos #964 (pgrimaud)
- Fix message on which migrations are going to be executed or migrated #962 (goetas)
- Allow to change configurations in the dependency factory #959 (goetas)
- Remove deprecated --show-versions param #956 (goetas)