packagist craftcms/cms 5.0.0-beta.8

latest releases: 5.2.x-dev, 4.10.x-dev, dev-feature/override-rebrand-path...
2 months ago
  • Improved accessibility throughout the control panel. (#14571, #14585)
  • The relatedTo.field element query param now must be set to the original field’s handle, rather than the overridden instance handle.
  • Added craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField::getOriginalHandle().
  • craft\helpers\DateTime::toDateTime() now attempts to create a DateTime object by passing the passe-in value into its constructor.
  • Improved the performance of scalar element queries like count().
  • Fixed a bug where navigating back after creating an entry or applying a draft would return a 404 error. (#14587)
  • Fixed a bug where action URLs weren’t respecting the subpath specified by the @web alias, if it wasn’t present in the local URL to index.php.
  • Fixed a bug where craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::count() could return the wrong number if the query had a cached result, with offset or limit params.
  • Fixed a bug where Return/Spacebar presses would close disclosure menus without activating the focused item. (#14584, #14598)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to fetch related elements by their source elements via the relatedTo param, if a relational field(s) was specified. (#14552)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if an entry had an invalid typeId.
  • Fixed styling issues with right-to-left languages. (#14589)
  • Fixed a bug where entry queries that didn’t specify a section were returning nested entries.

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