packagist cakephp/bake 2.1.0
Bake 2.1.0

latest releases: 3.x-dev,, dev-dereuromark-patch-1...
4 years ago

We have switched to the official Twig integration plugin - cakephp/twig-view.

Check out the twig-view release notes to see what's new!


  • For users that do not use TwigView directly in their application, you don't need to change anything.

  • For users that have a direct dependency on the previous plugin, wyrihaximus/twig-view, you must remove that package before upgrading to Bake 2.1.0. You cannot require both versions of twig-view and will run into composer errors when upgrading.

  • For users that have custom TwigView configurations, some code and configuration changes are required. Please see the twig-view documentation for configuration and setup details.

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