packagist beyondcode/laravel-websockets 2.0.0-beta.1

latest releases: dev-master, dev-analysis-Q3OmWZ, 1.x-dev...
3 years ago

Keep in mind, this release is experimental. Testing and reporting issues are highly appreciated.

Please check this PR for more details and roadmap: #447

  • Added (experimental) Websocket-to-Redis interaction to sync channels with connections across multiple websockets:serve instances. (#140). The Redis replication for horizontal scaling need an additional broadcaster driver called 'websockets' that can be configured like the pusher one. You can use it for the horizontal replication instead of 'pusher'
  • Restructured the config file (#446)
  • Removed Laravel 5.8 from supported Laravel versions (#452)
  • App Providers changed their name to App Managers to avoid any misunderstandings with Laravel App Providers (#451)

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