- API model updated in Amazon CognitoAws\Connect
- Add support for deleting Queues and Routing Profiles.Aws\DataSync
- Added LunCount to the response object of DescribeStorageSystemResourcesResponse, LunCount represents the number of LUNs on a storage system resource.Aws\DatabaseMigrationService
- Enhanced PostgreSQL target endpoint settings for providing Babelfish support.Aws\EC2
- This release adds support for the C7gn and Hpc7g instances. C7gn instances are powered by AWS Graviton3 processors and the fifth-generation AWS Nitro Cards. Hpc7g instances are powered by AWS Graviton 3E processors and provide up to 200 Gbps network bandwidth.Aws\FSx
- Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP now supports SnapLock, an ONTAP feature that enables you to protect your files in a volume by transitioning them to a write once, read many (WORM) state.Aws\IAM
- Documentation updates for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).Aws\MediaTailor
- Adds categories to MediaTailor channel assembly alertsAws\Personalize
- This release provides ability to customers to change schema associated with their datasets in Amazon PersonalizeAws\Proton
- This release adds support for deployment history for Proton provisioned resourcesAws\S3
- S3 Inventory now supports Object Access Control List and Object Owner as available object metadata fields in inventory reports.Aws\SageMaker
- Amazon SageMaker Canvas adds WorkspeceSettings support for CanvasAppSettingsAws\SecretsManager
- Documentation updates for Secrets Manager