npm zod 3.24.0

latest releases: 3.24.1, 3.25.0-canary.20241210T225910
3 days ago

New features

Implement the Standard Schema spec

This is the first version of Zod to implement the Standard Schema spec. This is a new community effort among several validation library authors to implement a common interface, with the goal of simplifying the process of integrating schema validators with the rest of the ecosystem. Read more about the project and goals here.


Thanks to @Mokshit06 and @Cognition-Labs for this contribution!

To verify that a string is a valid 3-part JWT.


⚠️ This does not verify your JWT cryptographically! It merely ensures its in the proper format. Use a library like jsonwebtoken to verify the JWT signature, parse the token, and read the claims.

To constrain the JWT to a specific algorithm:

z.string().jwt({ alg: "RS256" });


Thank you to @marvinruder!

To complement the JWT validation, Zod 3.24 implements a standalone .base64url() string validation API. (The three elements of JWTs are base64url-encoded JSON strings.)


This functionality is available along the standard z.string().base64() validator added in Zod 3.23.


Thanks to @wataryooou for their work on this!

A validator for CIDR notation for specifying IP address ranges, e.g.


To specify an IP version:

z.string().cidr({ version: "v4" })
z.string().cidr({ version: "v6" })


View the full diff from 3.23.8: v3.23.8...v3.24.0

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